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Longest serving CAMLT Staff Member Nancy Gutilla of 26+ years retired in March 2016. Second longest serving CAMLT Staff Member Jeannie Eleen of 25+ years also went into semi-retirement as 2016 came to a close.
With each passing year both took on more duties and and met new challenges as the office moved from handwritten ledgers, typewriters and phones to computers and the Internet. Among many other responsibilities, Nancy served as Exhibits Manager and Jeannie as Membership and Jobline Manager. We are fortunate that Jeannie will continue to serve in these capacities in 2017 remotely from her home in Santa Rosa with the assistance from our existing office volunteers, Linda Burton and Dora Goto and our newest staff member Mohammad Nadeem.
Mohammad graduated from San Jose State University with a BS in Business Administration specializing in Accounting. He has over 8 years of experience as an Administrative Coordinator, Assistant and Receptionist; 6 of those years with a not-for-profit association. Mohammad will staff our Fremont office starting Jan 3 from Mon - Fri. Please join us in welcoming Mohammad.
CAMLT works for the good of the laboratory community and the public. Even if you are no longer working in this field, you and your loved ones need quality testing to ensure better medical outcomes. Your membership and/or support is vital to our continuing ability to serve the community and our patients. Please join, rejoin or donate today!