Assembly Member Kevin Kiley will be issuing a proclamation in honor of CAMLT's 80th year as a professional organization serving California Clinical Laboratory Professionals. Be a part of this historic moment! Email the Executive Office at to reserve your spot.
Trip to Sacramento for a Proclamation and Tour
Friday, January 10th
Proclamation 10:30 a.m. on the floor of the Assembly
Sacramento State Capitol
1315 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Tour – 11:00 am to 12:00 noon – limit 30 guests
Please join us for this important event
Urgent Call to Action:
Thank you to all our members who have supported the organization throughout the years. Your participation has been very important. It is imperative that we spread the word about the challenge we face about our organization not being able to keep our legislative advocates in Sacramento. Unfortunately we are constantly under attack from entities that would love to see our licenses repealed. This is a distinct and real possibility if CAMLT does not have a voice in the legislative process. Help us protect and promote our profession. Talk to your friends about this.
Direct donations to our many worthwhile causes can be made anytime at The best way to support CAMLT's mission is to be a member of CAMLT; join or renew today. As always, on behalf of CAMLT, thank you for your support!